Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness

At Building Bridges, we understand the significance of nutrition during adolescence not only impacts physical health but also influences cognitive performance, mood, and overall well-being. We encourage healthy eating habits and involve the students in meal planning and cooking to foster a positive relationship with food.  Our approach is grounded in providing practical and supportive guidance, fostering a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. We go beyond addressing specific issues, aiming to instill habits that contribute to overall well-being.

Recent research underscores the impact of a balanced diet and regular exercise on both physical and mental health. These findings are integrated into our program, highlighting the importance of nutrition, physical activity, and general well-being. Our focus is on equipping students with essential skills and knowledge to make positive choices for their health, creating a foundation that extends beyond their time with us.

Should you have specific questions or require more information about our health and wellness initiatives, we are here to provide the necessary support and resources. Our commitment is to empower adolescents with the tools they need for sustained health, resilience, and positive development.

Nutrition: We prioritize the well-being of our students by promoting a balanced and nutritious approach to their diet. Nutrition during adolescence plays a pivotal role in supporting growth, development, and overall health. As teenagers experience rapid physical changes, their nutritional needs increase significantly.  Our nutritional guidance encourages a diverse range of food choices, incorporating essential elements such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy products. We believe in the power of a well-rounded diet to support overall health and contribute to the physical and mental well-being of our students.

Our nutritional guidance is not just about what to eat; it’s about instilling lifelong habits that contribute to sustained health and vitality. We believe that fostering a positive relationship with food is a fundamental aspect of our students’ overall development.

Cooking: We take a hands-on approach to cultivating essential life skills, and cooking is a fundamental aspect of our program. We actively involve our students in meal preparation, providing them with valuable opportunities to learn basic cooking skills and the ability to prepare meals for large groups. This hands-on experience not only imparts practical culinary knowledge but also fosters a deeper understanding of nutrition.

By engaging our students in the cooking process, we aim to instill a sense of confidence and independence in the kitchen. Learning how to prepare meals not only contributes to their overall well-being but also serves as a building block for a lifelong habit of making healthy food choices.

Our cooking initiatives go beyond the kitchen; they are about empowering our students with skills that extend into their daily lives. From understanding the importance of diverse food choices to mastering the art of cooking for different occasions, we equip our students with the tools they need to make informed and healthy choices throughout their lives.
