Bringing reality to treatment is a cornerstone of how we help our students and at the forefront of every decision we make. Allowing a student to practice the skills and tools he is learning, in a real work environment, is key to his long term success. This transition, from treatment to reality, is simply not achievable in a closed environment. From the very beginning, we have strived to offer our students as much opportunity to experience the real world as possible.
- Enrollment in a public high school, for those that are ready
- Participation in school and community based extracurricular activities
- Participation in community based projects and organizations
- A ceiling free privilege system, including internet, friends, money, cell phone, a job, and more
- Post graduation planning, whether that be college, the military, or something else
In a nutshell, we want our students to be able to experience real life, in the real world, all while working closely with their counselors and staff to continue to progress. The end result is a young man who is well-prepared to tackle the world in a healthy and positive way. Of course, each student’s ability to handle the responsibilities of these benefits is carefully weighed, and all staff have a hand in making that decision. We also ask the student to do his part, explaining why he feels he is prepared for a specific privilege.
We are proud of the system we have created and believe it encourages growth and progress, while allowing for the greatest level of support and monitoring. Bringing reality to treatment is a philosophy that works.